Browse mineral resources


C R Tanberg Inc

Lachance Brick Company

Warren S Elder and Son

White Brothers Co

Lakeland Sand and Gravel

Goodrich and Sons Brick Co

Royal River Brick Co Inc

Portland Sand and Gravel Co

Maynard W Robinson and Son

Walnut Hill Sand and Gravel

The Cook Concrete Company

Blue Rock Industries

Blue Rock Industries

Hamlin Sand and Gravel Co

Leroy S Prout Sand and Gravel

Jewels Island

Cumberland Sand & Gravel

Gray Pit

Warren Brothers Co

H E Sargent Inc

Hamlin Sand and Gravel Co

Harry C Crooker and Sons Inc

Tyron Mountain Quarries

Durham Pit

Lime Quarries

Granite Quarry

Morse Quarry

Pit Number 2

Brunswick Pit

Yarmouth Pit

E B Mallett Quarry

Granite Quarry

Mrs. Charles Taylor Mine

Morse Road Pit

Burnham Brothers Pit

Gray Pits

Granite Quarry

Westbrook Pit

Portland Pit

Granite Quarry

La Chance Mine

North Yarmouth Pit

Old Granite Quarry

Granite Quarry

Spring Street Quarry

Westbrook Quarry

New Meadows Quarry

Gorham Mine

Blacks Trap Pit

Falmouth Copper Deposit

Unnamed Prospect

Dwelly Mine

Larrabee Quarries

Gorham Pit

North Yarmouth Pit

Woodside Quarry

Freeport Quarry

Maxwell Pit

Grant Quarry

Knights Ledge Quarry

Piscataqua Prospect

Old Granite Quarry

Chute Prospect

Granite Quarry

Grant Quarry

The Town of Gray Pit

Robinson Pit

Unnamed Diopside Prospect

Old Spar Mine

Lime Quarry

Cook Quarry

Prides Quarry

Kelley Prospect

Wolf Neck Occurrence

Winship Pit

Gorham and Windham Pit

Taylor Pit

Raymond Pit

Garland Mine

Sillimanite Occurrence

Unnamed Prospect

Walnut Hill Sand and Gravel Pit

Johnson Pit

Gray Road Pit

Prout Pit

Chute Prospect

Clay Mine

Pownal Quarries

Scarborough Pit

Lachance Pit

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